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Сообщений в теме: 21

#21 Yasma



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Отправлено 09 Июнь 2003 - 14:25


Оригинал написал Fenix

а impaler-ы не напрягают? :) .

Очень напрягают. Но обычно отхиливаем в две-три руки (плюс маги помогают спеллами). Все равно с петами получается быстрее.
Дело на Драчене происходит :-)

#22 Yasma



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Отправлено 10 Июнь 2003 - 07:23

Вот, кстати, еще вариант: парри вместо хилинга (специально под ДФ). С нашей гильдийской борды:

Well, today was the second time, I went to Doom II with my paladiness Mara Jade. I changed her template since i died alot on first time, I was there (dropped healing for parrying) and it worked absolutely fine for me. I did not die at all, and there were always 60 ==> 70 monsters running around since nobody cut bones. Darkfather hit me around 10 times, which is not very much, and the spawn did no decent damage to me, since all my resists were between 63 and 69... I did not use any pots at all, and had defence-chance items on me (around +23 in total)...
Well, the finest thing was: I was the only guy with looting rights; at least i believe so, since nobody else was looting, and there were enough ppl around which would surely have tried...
I did not have a very good slayerweapon (just warfork with 22% damage increase and +15 swingspeed) and did around 70 HPs damage per hit, which is not that much, but since warfork is quite fast, I did stop hit and run, when DF did not target me (e.g. when he targeted some EEs)...
I had to wait 2 times for mana, but not after i figured out, that consec weapon has no effect on DF since all his resists are at 30%... (shame on me)
At last my template: (I think I will put up parrying to 110 real/120 shown skill)
Fencing 120.0 120.0
Parrying 110.0 100.0 (+10 skill on jewlery)
Anatomy 100.0 100.0
Focus 100.0 100.0
Tactics 100.0 100.0
Magic Resistance 98.5 98.5
Chivalry 90.0 90.0
Healing 11.5 11.5
Str 80 80
Dex 95 95 (+5 Dex on jewlery)
Int 70 70
Conclusion: I think u can play a pala without healing, I even did not need any pots for that... Pala-heal/cure did just work fine for me... But I think, this template would not work with low magical resistance (because of manadrain e.g.)
Well, I just wanted to share that information; hope, somebody finds it usefull...

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