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Public Harrower

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#1 Matvey



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Отправлено 17 Август 2007 - 12:16

In just a few weeks time, Europa is going to have an epic battle for the Harrowers scrolls 2 nights on the trot!

On both Friday the 17th and Saturday the 18th of August Europa will have an Open Harry!

Friday the 17th's Harry will be summoned by Hex Europa. A proud member of the Minax Faction who's unfortunately going to have to leave us soon to work elsewhere in the world for 6 months! Lets give him a BIG turnout for his Harrower so he knows what game to come back to when he returns home! He's already donated for one open Harry recently, so we owe big thanks to him for donating for a second Harry!

Saturday the 18th's Harry will be summoned once again by Kamelbarn and [W] Guild. A fantastic group of people who have put up the skulls twice in the last few months for open Harrowers. A very generous thing when you consider how hard Oaks skull is to aquire. Again we all owe big thanks again to Kamelbarn and [W] guild!

The skulls will be placed around 8pm GMT both nights.

The last 6 open Harrowers have been fantastic! We've had quite a few folk who had never been to felucca before let alone a harrower how up for the battles. For that reason alone we can safely say open Harrowers are a resounding success Smile Its a success many people would like to see again and again!

Everybody's welcome to come along! Got an RP guild that just wears GM armour? Fine! Come along cause you've got nothing to lose that cant be easily replaced! Come fight the great evil that threatens to swallow Sosaria and deliver some justice to some murderers along the way! Never attacked another player in your life? Come have a go now and see how you do!

Sparred with mates in your guild and ever thought to yourself "how good am I at field PvP?". Come along and see! Perhaps your just a PvM guild that bash monsters.... Well the harry is one hell of a monster! Come and bash him!

Although we will all be fighting over the powerscrolls that fall at the end, in all honesty, we just want to have a another big night of Felucca fun with lots of bashing each other going on!

I hope we can see some new faces there this month! As well as the normal army of blues we see in felucca Smile Lets hope the reds of Fate, NDK, I-C, UCH, SaX, some of the local Factioners, and the variety of lone murderers turn up to add a bit of spice to it as well aye? Smile

So, everyone please give Hex Europa and Kamelbarn a huge round of applause, and a big turnout to both harrowers so they can be a big success!

For those interested to see what happens at harrys, here's some links to some of the recent Harrower picture threads!

2 Harrowers run by Fate

Open Harry no.3, skulls by [W]

No.4, skulls by [W]

No.5, skulls by [NDK]

#2 Aeol


    Dread Lord

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Отправлено 17 Август 2007 - 13:12

Можно линку на оригинал? Хочу поглядеть хотя бы скрины, вряд ли смогу поучавствовать.

#3 Matvey



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Отправлено 17 Август 2007 - 16:22

Aeol (17.08.2007 18:12) писал:

Можно линку на оригинал? Хочу поглядеть хотя бы скрины, вряд ли смогу поучавствовать.

Там ссылочки в первом посту - жмыкай.

#4 Aeol


    Dread Lord

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Отправлено 17 Август 2007 - 18:46


#5 Cocaine



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Отправлено 17 Август 2007 - 20:14

На харовере всех лагало ?
Или это специально для пользователей Акадо (Комкор) был подарок?

#6 Matvey



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Отправлено 17 Август 2007 - 21:05

Там был момент когда уже хару начали гасить - у меня начало подлагивать. А в остальном никаких лагов.

#7 Cocaine



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Отправлено 17 Август 2007 - 22:56

Значит Комкор был забит наглухо ( или по крайней мере мой сегмент -Отрадное)
Харовера бил "в Оффлайне" в основном - подвисал и перезаходил большую часть времени.
Но +5 выдали за присутствие, лук был быстрый + 46% Lightning.

#8 Matvey



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Отправлено 17 Август 2007 - 23:58

Хех, ты тоже из отрадного? ))

p.s. пестеля

#9 leqion



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Отправлено 03 Сентябрь 2007 - 05:37

ээээ...А кем лучше идтить на него есле одному?)

#10 Matimeo



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Отправлено 03 Сентябрь 2007 - 05:57

Хехе  один ты там врятли окажешся =)

#11 Matvey



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Отправлено 03 Сентябрь 2007 - 08:58

Matimeo (3.09.2007 10:57) писал:

Хехе  один ты там врятли окажешся =)
Почему же врятли?
Если это публичный хари - то не вопрос.
Я ходил бусидо арчером.
Ну у меня выбор был либо магом либо арчером - я как правило делаю выбор в пользу арчера.

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